It Is About Time That Lee Got a Blog: Surviving Workers from Windows on the World Open Restaurant

It Is About Time That Lee Got a Blog

This blog contains snippets from all of the useless information stored in my head. While mostly made up of links to things that caught my interest, there may also be some original thoughts once in a while

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Surviving Workers from Windows on the World Open Restaurant

Newsday reports that some of the workers from Windows on the World (the restaurant at the top of the World Trade Center) are opening a new restaurant in my neighborhood. Colors, a 120-seat dining spot at 417 Lafayette St. (212-777-8443), will fully open to the public next week. The history of the workers and the proximity would be enough for me to want to check the place out (and encourage you to do the same), but on top of that, they have a unique structure where the employees are the owners. Let's hope the food is good, because I'd like to see them succeed.


  • At 1/11/2006 12:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Let me know if you ever make it over there. I heard a nifty little segment about it on NPR last week...


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