It Is About Time That Lee Got a Blog: Coldplay's New CD has Rules

It Is About Time That Lee Got a Blog

This blog contains snippets from all of the useless information stored in my head. While mostly made up of links to things that caught my interest, there may also be some original thoughts once in a while

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Coldplay's New CD has Rules

Boing Boing reports that Coldplay's new CD comes with a list of rules, including "This CD can't be burnt onto a CD or hard disc, nor can it be converted to an MP3" and the fact that the CD may not play in DVD players, car stereos, portable players, game players, all PCs and Macintosh PCs. Of course, users don't know about this until after they have purchased the product. I think that this is an amazingly short-sighted step by the music label, limiting customers from using the product in the way that they want to. It may be an obvious statement, but I think that all of us need to make sure that we create products that are easy for our customers to use. This is something that I consistenly see firms ignoring - you need to understand how a customer would ideally intereact with you and then create a profitable way to meet that desired customer experience.


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